
WOYWW 91 – a dolly mess


I cringe as I add the photos today – my W is more of a mess than usual!  If only the spirit of endeavor stretched to tidying up LOL!

Look back a post and see the last LAST DOLL and smile as you realize I have about as much chance of sticking to that proclamation as I do of getting to all the WOYWW desks on this or any other week!

So what do you see?

I have been using all the surfaces this week – on the desk we have a selection of Anime eyes for the as yet unnamed doll, some skin-cloth scraps and paints. Also some cotton used to cover the nose and the chin seam.

Next the floor – oh dear.  A safety hazard as all must pass through my room to get from the downstairs to the upstairs.

The yarn for the hair, a pile of recipes torn out of various magazines that somehow wafted on to the floor from the desk, more skin cloth and the arm cover pattern.

Lastly, a chair I dragged in so DD could sit with me as I searched for eyes, hair styles, and smiles.

More cotton, a magazine with a recipe from our local Gastro Pub that I want to try, pins and debris – can you see the overflowing rubbish bin through the bars of the chair?  I generate a LOT of debris when doll making!

As I will be spending 12 hours in the company of Julia the WOYWW goddess and the Ludgershall Girls on Saturday, once the mess is tidied up the next couple of days will be spent sorting out projects to work on at the crop. I may actually finish one or two things (a first, I think) but then again maybe not….

Have a spectacular WOYWW and here’s hoping your desk is tidier than mine – and if it isn’t, tell me because I want to see it!



8 thoughts on “WOYWW 91 – a dolly mess

  1. What a super craft room and so tidy too x


  2. I win. Although I don’t let it get to the floor – too far to bend!! The skin fabric is alarmingly good – looks like a table with body parts!!


  3. We all do it – spread out onto all surfaces regardless of where they are. Thanks for sharing your busy-ness – look forward to seeing more. #36


  4. How clever to use a t-shirt as material for a doll’s body…such unusual creations too – well done you! And DD, of course.

    Shirl #25


  5. Any horizontal space is up for grabs in my opinion. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #49


  6. I can see one of my new desk tidies would come in really handy there today 🙂
    Don’t forget to pop over to our shop and put your name down in the next gift draw.
    A x


  7. Yup, I can sympathise – I use a corner of my sofa for a permanent “art display” of my Stampers Anonymous stamps…. the pile is quite high now!


  8. way to use all that space! Thanks for the peek and sharing. Have a wonderful WOYWW.

    Hugs, Marjo #5


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