
BIG CARDS art techniques

A year long project, one card a week (except weeks when I already had used the card from the deck on some OTHER project – DOH!) using different techniques. 

What I get asked MOST OFTEN is what will I do with the complete set?  Nothing so far is the answer!  For the moment I am happy to just keep them in their box.  I have a few ideas, but nothing has fully taken shape yet.

Click the suit in the drop down menu to see all the cards in that set. I will eventually link to the posts but for now it’s just the image.  MOST of the posts can be seen by clicking on the BIG CARDS category/tag, but not all of them.

It’s on my TO DO list šŸ™‚


Mary Anne

One thought on “BIG CARDS art techniques

  1. I enjoyed reading your post! There are many of us online that live in the artworld as you do, not shopping, inventing tools and methods, completing projects when they’re completed in our minds. Inspiration and talent don’t show up immediately but take their time for me and I appreciate all the advice and ideas you give. šŸ™‚


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