


I am still deep in playing with alcohol inks and deli paper and stretching myself, trying to think of more and more ways to use these pretty pretty papers. And based off a comment from yesterday I tried parchment paper (white) from Costco UK and it was a dud. The ink does not sink into it but floats on the top. Explain to me the difference between parchment paper and “grease-proof paper” someone please! Here is an updated link to actual deli paper on Amazon.

It will be hard to see but I have been playing with using the fully-covered sheets to transfer ink on to the sparsely covered ones without loosing all the white space.

Better for image transfer (and l’ll just quickly repeat a photo to save you looking back, unless you want to see the completed art journal page)

You can just see the bottle of alcohol there that I used to sprinkle on the really covered sheets. If you saw yesterday’s post the sheet on the right is the same as the lightest sheet from yesterday but I sprinkled the alcohol on the top sheet of a stack of deli paper that had blues and purples on it then while the alcohol ink was re-activated I flipped this one over on it to pick up some.

The Hubster snapped a quick shot of Poppy, in the early evening, lounging about in her Catio. She looks about like I feel when the temp climbs. Luckily it won’t be hot for long, and not in the 30s. Or so they say.

She has her murder mittens out, but had her claws trimmed last week so not as deadly as all that.

So have a happy, sunny, probably too hot WOYWW!

14 thoughts on “WOYWW 744

  1. ooh that reminds me I have alcohol inks and parchment that I used to use for this, really should have another go! Loving your tie dye experiments on the latest post too. I remember you showing me how to do a version of this on a serviette when we were down nr Julias at the crop a few years back.
    thanks for visiting my desk already


  2. Oh my goodness, got a bit involved with the end of the acrylics course and seem to have signed up for a watercolour one too (wed-fri) and what with the heat and not sleeping even worse that usual, I’m only just emerging form all the stuff and the dust is settling.

    These courses have finished now so you don’t need to worry about “another” one.
    Anyway your alcohol ink play looks fun but I will have to try and get my head around…
    Deli Paper vs Greaseproof Paper (no ideal what Deli paper is)
    And I have been using – Baking Parchment (for the wet palette for the acrylic paints). Oh my word, so many things, so much confusion.
    Hugs BJ#6


  3. From image transfers toooo crinkly yummilicious inky papers 🥰😍🤩🤩🥰 me oh my Mary Anne what a delight for the eyes catching up on your posts, always such an inspiration 🤩😍🥰 head buzzing happily away 🤸 I’m so sorry I’m late visiting 😊 lsughing at Poppy’s murder mittens 🐈‍⬛ our wee Bella is going to need hers trimmed for the first time 🐕🐾 not loooking forward to that 🙃 Thank yooou do much gor your lovely words across on mine,one year I’m going to do fodder school I promise myself 😘😍🤩 Sending much love and hugs Tracy xxxx #10 xxx


  4. Always experimenting!! Have never tried deli paper, mainly because it can be hard to get hold of and it seems the alternatives aren’t the same, although I can’t help with explaining why. Results are definitely cool though!! Hope you have a good week, love n hugs Cindy xx #17


  5. Murder Mittens! Love it! Mittsy has some of those too, aptly named! Poppy looks very comfortable in her catio! Mittsy has a hammock she sleeps in in the afternoons when the sun is streaming in the window. I have also been playing a bit with deli paper as fodder for the first time, not with gelli plates though, just painting right on top. I have used some of them as pages in a new book I am making, and they worked great! I love the face coming up out of the green, very striking! that would make a great page in a book as well. Keep on experimenting – so much fun! Lindart #20


  6. Always love to see what you’re up to and looks like fun here again today. Sending happy woyww wishes, Angela x15x


  7. Poppy’s looking very relaxed. I love the effect you’ve achieved with the inks and layers, but what is the paper? Grease proof doesn’t seem to work.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 2 xx


  8. Have a look at this YouTube video. The last time I looked into the differences I didn’t find a good explanation and ended up buying tracing paper. Thanks for the link, the last time I looked for it on Amazon it was unavailable.
    Happy WOYWW. Angela #3


    • I have tracing paper and it is kinda like thinner vellum – rips easily but nicely translucent. From what I can tell, parchment paper seems to be coated, properly waxy, more like US waxed paper (but I’ve never tried doing wax paper techniques with it, like a resist) but it is not QUITE the same. Deli paper really lets the ink sink in and you 100% want to protect your desk, cause the ink will go thru at least 3 and sometimes 4 layers, right to your desk! But it is might cool.


  9. I thought the transfer was amazing. I hoard my alcohol inks. Poppy looks adorable, even with the outstretched paw. Happy WOYWW from # 5.


    • I used to hoard them too, but I got not-Ranger inks from Amazon and they work just the same for much less. My set was under £15 for 24 of them. A couple of the colours seem they could be the same (or not very different) but for this kind of thing they work great and allow you to experiment cheaply. 🙂


  10. A question I have oft pondered on myself . . . . I had never heard of parchment paper before I started blogging.
    loving all your experiments, keep on sharing with us please.
    Take care
    Christine #16


  11. I think parchment paper may work better if you pounce the alcohol ink onto it with a foam tool Mary Anne. It does take a long time to dry though. Love all your experimenting. Meow to Poppy. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #8


  12. I can’t remember the last time I used my alcohol inks. I did enjoy the previous post too. Hope you have a happy WOYWW Helen #1


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