
WOYWW 22/9/2010 – dominos


Hi there WOYWWers!

Finally getting back to that project from last week.  I had a couple of days with a very painful wrist, which left me unable to craft (hated that) and then wrecked my back over the weekend, which left me unable to sit at my desk except for short periods of time, THEN I got lumbered with a bag of tomatoes with the insistence that I needed to “do something with them” as they were a gift, so I spent the better part of the day making spaghetti sauce from scratch.  OK so it was a lot of slow simmering for hours and hours but I also had the roofer in and was expecting the alarm guy (a no show – arrrgghh! that peeves me off!) and blah blah blah.  Boring but, like the laundry, it needed to be done.

So, back to the heads from last week.  Now you can see what they are going to be – a spooky set of dominos!  I had to hunt up a domino matrix, as I foolishly painted over the symbols before making note of them.  You can see I stamped the heads next to each row so I would get them right.

It is quite a lot of work to stamp, colour and cut them all then do the little background squares and eventually Mod Podge them all and decorate the box, but it is fairly low impact work, I can watch something on the Mac while at my desk, so it isn’t too stressful.  With any luck I will finish them today.  Fingers crossed! But first a few hours visiting other WOYWW desks – that is sure to spark off some other project that will distract me if I get bored with the repetitive domino making!

Happy Wednesday!

35 thoughts on “WOYWW 22/9/2010 – dominos

  1. LOVE the dominoes! Definitely worth the effort! x (#61)


  2. Oh Mary Anne, do you know that I find this one of the most inspiring and potentially ‘me’ type projects – would you be flattered or offended by a CASE? Hope your back is slowly word I have empathy for that.


    • I am alwAys flattered if someone is inspired enough by something I’ve made to make their own! Just be sure to share it with me somehow so I can see where the idea went after pssing thru the filter in YOUR head 🙂



  3. This is fab. you will be so proud when it’s all done – do show us!

    Happy WOYWW
    Sarah (Sasa 20)


  4. It CAN be quite therapeutic and satisfying doing this sort of repetetive job…altho last time I did something of the sort I had to stop halfway through before I screamed, lol! They look fab tho – and a great idea! Helen (46)


  5. Wow…they look amazing and what a great idea.

    A.xx (38)


  6. You must be one patient lady, all those hours, but what satisfaction when your efforts are rewarded with such beautiful creations. Well done. Cannot wait to see them finished. Big Hugs


  7. These are going to be fab – love them! #45


  8. My what patience you have to do all those doms. Looks like a fun project in spite of the time and work. #98


  9. What a fabulous idea! Oooh so want to make a set now, thanks for sharing. Sunshine Girl (28)


  10. I saw a post on the internet that said to click here and Scrappy Sticky Inky Mess would make a set of Spooky Dominoes free to the first 10 visitors. I clicked first, when can I expect my free set? Just kidding of course, but I really like the Spooky Dominoes. Hugs, Linda #50


  11. Fab domino’s, love stampotique

    Clare (83)


  12. Wow, a lot of work for sure. Your idea is so original and unique – first time I saw it!


  13. What a neat idea creating domino pieces from the Stampotique stamps, I love them. Hope the back and wrist are easing and you can do a little more crafting without any pain. Have a good evening, Tracy Evans, No. 17


  14. ohoo I like the spoooky dominoes! what a great idea, now, have you played a game with them yet?? Hope you are feeling a lot better, Have a great woyww


  15. Lovely project. Thanks for sharing.

    Maggie #96



  16. Wow, if that just isn’t the coolest! Love the style


  17. What a fantastic project – I love the grungy look of them all! Time consuming work, but well worth it. Hope your back and wrist are better.

    Sherry (103)


  18. Loving those Dominoes! (100)


  19. Ohhh what a fabulous project I love it.


  20. Hi Sorry this is a quick cut & paste but not too well and wanting to let as many as possible know I have visited. I am going to read all blogs on my blackberry when I have a lie down but can’t comment very well & can’t sit for too long at laptop to type – sorry seems little impersonal but all explained on my blog

    Candace (#43) x


  21. what a week you have had babe, hope your wrist is better now 🙂
    Love what you are working on 🙂
    *hugs* Heather x (41)


  22. Amazing amount of work but they’ll be great when finished. Sorry to hear about your wrist and back, nothing worse for a crafter.

    Brenda (88)


  23. Sounds like you’ve had a painful week. Despite it all, you have done a fantastic job of coloring and cutting. Very labor intensive, but well worth it. Happy WOYWW from # 2.


  24. How cool – halloween dominoes – they are looking great!


  25. Fantastic dominos…what a great idea. Pam (6)


  26. Good morning and wow, your domino’s look wonderful!
    have a wonderful wednesday!


  27. I bet they will look gorgeous when they are all done – love them!

    Sarah (57)


  28. Love those Dominoes, what a cool idea ! Impressed that you made spaghetti sauce .. lol I would have made salad 😀


  29. Hi ya
    wow what a great set of dommies, a lot of fidly work there, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (3)


  30. Really love your spooky dominoes. What fun. Hope you feel much better very soon.
    A x


  31. thanks for sharing your space with us happy WOYWW loving your dominos but what a lot of work – well worth it though – ;o) love and (hugs) Liz (24)


  32. Sorry that should say…
    Have a great week.
    sincere apologies.
    Sue xx 8


  33. What a fantastic idea…Spooky Dominoes…there is alot of work involed there though.
    Lovely tidy desk… keep busy!
    Have a great wee
    Sue xx 8


  34. Wow, that looks so much work, but what great results. (19)


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