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At some point I got it in my head I should make pins for the crop-goers. I had a huge number of old UKS pins, slightly yellowed with age, collecting dust.

So I made some chunky cardstock and matboard discs covered with scanned and printed art and similar bits to the ATCs. The tricky part came when I decided they were too big and needed to be smaller. I had sealed the top with a bit of clear packing tape so die-cutting was really the way to go.

Far too thick to punch or hand-cut, I dragged out a fat Sizzix die and after making a sort of template, to sort out how to place the badges, and die cut them smaller.

Gotta love Art Glitter Glue. So strong and it dries so fast! Thankfully the badge worked on the smaller size as well – what luck.

I had a regular production line going – the only thorn was the drying time…

I used one of the larger ones for my name tag, which you will have seen yesterday, and housed the ATC and the badge in a little folded envelope, which you will see more about tomorrow. And that will close out the weeks of WOYWW 15.

Phew. Roll on 16!

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