
A bit all over the place…


Well. I came home from the crop with a rotten cold, and have been fighting it for says. Luckily I had planned a couple of posts on the crop swap goodies so I didn’t have to go radio silence. Now, it is a new week, and I am still not feeling 100%. Also Bank Holiday Monday, and Dear Son and his Pretty Girl are coming for brisket on the BBQ. As such I am going to share something I shared a while back, but which has undergone a bit of an alteration.

I shared some pages form an art journal I was making using recipe cards from Waitrose.

You can see at the side the binding holes that I planned to use, thinking I might do a sort of slip-knot binding, but not in every hole, maybe two, miss two, two, miss two, two or the like. But the more I considered that the less keen I was. Problem? I had already punched the binding holes with my BIA. Ugh.

I do have a disc-binding system, and have flirted with using it in the past

I like the way it lets the pages be removed easily, to work on them, and replaced when done. So I cut off the 1/4 inch or so to remove the binding holes, and re-made the cover and re-punched the holes for the discs.

I think in the end I am going to be a lot happier with this system.

I am hoping to get back to some regular sort of art journaling, after my page-a-day schedule a while back, but not sure how realistic that is with something on the horizon. But I am happy with where this is. I’ve also gessoed the covers, in preparation for probably some gel printing, to keep with the theme of the pages. Like the Transitions journal I expect this one, with the pages already highly decorated, to be easy to work in. I also think I may be a bit closer to finishing off another one of the journals, I need to check. That may sway me one way or another.

Now, if this cold will just fully GO I will be very happy!

2 thoughts on “A bit all over the place…

  1. hope you feel fully better soon. good luck with your pages. Helen xx


  2. Very colorful..hope you feel better soon..power out here after rain storm???


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