
The folded envelope for ATCs

1 Comment

So I took about 25 photos, to walk thru the steps of folding the little envelope I used to hold the ATC and badge combo for the crop swap. Silly me. What you really need, and what I really don’t do, is a video. So I found another one. Not the one I watched (which was sooooo long) but a decent one. The folded item is really meant to include paper, one or more small signatures that can be sewn in to the fold, to create a handy thing to tuck in your handbag, to hold maybe a gift card and paper to write on. It is from The Art of the Fold by Heidi Kyle

A couple of points to mention. The instructions mention that it needs to be a 3:4 ratio, and 9 x 12 inches or 8 x 11 inches were mentioned. Mine were made using scanned art, printed on the laser printer, which does NOT print border-less. so even 8 x 11 from an A4 sheet, doesn’t work once you trim the little white borders. I just went with it, and it worked more or less fine. I trimmed a tiny sliver from the pocket edge where the ATC fits, to make the fold-over work a bit better, but mostly it was fine. Check out the video (or others on YouTube) for how to fold it. Much more helpful than me adding 25 photos, I’m sure!

Around about the 9 minute mark you can see the adding of the booklet – if we swapped at the crop, you can add this to your envelope and maybe make further use of it! I will probably make one for myself from A3 paper and see how that works. Watch this space.

So now all the crop anticipation and preparation is done, I have about 1000 other things I want to play with. It remains a busy time for us but here’s hoping I can still carve out some crafty time from the packed days we seem to be having. Bank holiday coming up and it’s unlikely to be much of a holiday, as there is simply too much to do!

oh well…

One thought on “The folded envelope for ATCs

  1. thanks for this!!!


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