
WOYWW 265 – cameras galore


Happy WOYWW, y’all! DH is working on a app – not HIS, he’s just one of the programmers.  It turns your mobile device into a security camera.  Nifty. I only mention it to explain the odd assortment of stuff on my desk. a load of little camera lens doodahs that attach to a mobile phone/device WOYWW265He ordered a selection of camera phone lens combos to see how they work when attached to phone-as-security cameras – for all of them,  it was under $60, unless he’s low-balling it so I didn’t freak out when the package arrived.  That is the normal shot taken with my Fuji.  Here is the shot taken with one of the three iPhone clip on lenses – this is the wide angle lens: WOYWW265camerawide I have to say they are pretty cool. The one I have appropriated to play with attaches over the corner of the phone, and flips so you can access all of the lenses: WOYWW265camera3 The only problem is the case needs to come off first.  Here are a few random shots so you can see the effect.  I’ll try to group them so you don’t have to scroll thru.  These are with the MACRO lens:

Not sure if you can tell but that black bit in the last photo? That is a bug that was the size of a pin head on the flower! The middle one is a macro shot of one of the small photos on the back of one of the boxes – another camera, this one clips on, and works for lots of phones, not just the iPhone.  Also, no need to remove the case. It is REALLY hard to hold the phone completely steady to get a crystal clear macro shot.  They don’t call me Mary Anne with the Shaky Hand for nothing….

The Fisheye lens amuses me

The centre photo is a normal shot of the roses – the first MACRO shot above is of the centre, and you can see the fisheye one there to the left. And of course my desk – LOL! Fisheye doesn’t make it look any better.

The last one is a telephoto lens.  Not sure I would use that one, to be honest.  You first have to attach a special case, then the lens screws in to that, then the tripod screws in to THAT.  Believe me, you NEED the tripod, cause it is impossible to hold it steady. The legs of the tripod extend but it’s still only about 6 inches. WOYWW265camera4 I took this shot across the driveway out the window.  You can see it’s a little blurry. But interesting, I guess. WOYWW265cameratele The colour is one of the options in PhotoHDR (sandblast, I think) and the whole thing makes me slightly queasy – it’s almost a visual whirlpool.  That might be because the app takes two photos and merges them.  I’ll have to find something farther distant to take a photo of, and something where I can use the tripod.  Watch this space….

You’ll have to pop back to yesterdays post to see the Gelli print/Photo cube there on the desk.  I wonder if the video will re-appear?  Yep, it came back.  Phew.  If not, I hope my SBSs will be enough to help you make one if you fancy one – it’s way easier than it looks.  Dare I mention the C word?  No, not THAT one, Christmas!!

That’s it for me – let the desk hopping commence…

28 thoughts on “WOYWW 265 – cameras galore

  1. Congrats on being number one this week! I visited you yesterday but my computer was so slow I finally gave up! The different lenses are interesting. I do see the bug; it looks like he has a bit of shiny turquoise on him too.

    Happy belated WOYWW
    Peace, Kay (60)


  2. Well that looks great fun, I love all the filters and apps on my phone for taking photos though I don’t think I’d reach the level of experimenting that you guys have been doing!! Take care Zo xx 46


  3. I found this so interesting – the close ups are brilliant but I just love the effect with the fish eye lens! Been to look at your fab gelli print cube too ! Chris x 75


  4. PS how do you get those cute monster icons to appear on the cooments ?


    • In my Settings ~I have the option to display an avatar. It can be someone’s Gravatar logo, or a couple of others. If you have a photo set, for example, it will show THAT but if not I chose MonsterID as the option – possibly just a WordPress thing…




  5. Stunning macro shots – love the flower stamens ! Great to see all your experimenting ! Ali #5


  6. oooh lucky you! that is awesome that he is letting you play with his toys er… work. 🙂 I will have to think about changing up len’s some weeks. I don’t use my phone’s camera much at all because, I cannot hold it. funny I can hold an 50-500 lens for enough seconds to squeeze off a shot or two. ~Stacy #63


  7. Looks like good gadgets for the phone.

    You mentioned on my blog that you have lots of oddments of ribbons. if you take a look at my WOYWW 5th March, I have a few ways I store mine.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

    Happy WOYWW Sue 24


  8. How fun that you get to play with the lenses and your phone and extra fun that you shared it all with us. I think “visual whirlpool” definitely describes that one photo. Love the desk shots and snickered at the fish eye view. Judy #72


  9. Hi Maryanne I have been wanting to fiddle with one of these lenses for ages but have never had the time to get around to researching it, hey I,m usually a techno girl and love this sort of stuff, it sort of goes with the electrical trade wanting to fiddle and anything with apps OMG YES please. I get sickly too looking at that shot, so it’s not just you. Thanks for yet another totally entertaining post, I have not done my desk yet, got called out for work in a hurry, so will post later today when I get home and get that final shot of Yoda to add. Have a great week

    Hugs Eliza


  10. Wow what an awesome lots of things you have.. I think I need to buy a new camera so I can use those apps, even the telescope I would love to have!!!!.. Thank you so much for sharing 😉


  11. Love the camera stuff, I haven’t told him indoors about you or I would never get him away from the computer, he used to teach photography. I love the box you’ve made and need to come back and have a good look at how you did it.
    Happy crafting, Angela x #48


  12. Fascinating photographic effects, Mary Anne, and what a clever DH you have, to design apps! Thanks for your visit to my blog and your nice comment – glad you like my nesting pages. I’m very pleased with how it’s working out. As for the diet, I’ve got a long, long way to go yet, but for starters this is very encouraging indeed!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #23


  13. One day I’ll have to get a smart phone, probably because of all the really cool gadgets. LOVE that macro shot. Thanks for visiting my blog earlier. I think I could make a fierce Barney stamp out of it if I stamped it with purple. It’s actually an homage to monster fighter Godzilla (the new movie is AWEsome!).


  14. Hi Mary Anne, what fun to get to play with all that camera stuff and the results are stunning although, as you say too, the last photo does tricks with your eyes. Happy WOYWW and thanks for sharing. Elizabeth x #47


  15. Very cool! Love the macro pics but all are neat. (Oh showing my age with that comment) congrats on número UNO again this week! Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Nan G #53


  16. Morning Mary Anne! Always find out something new when looking at yuor desk. I think I also would pass on the telephoto lens – looks as daft as my tiny camera on a tripod each year when we take the family photo!! However I am intrigued by the lenses over the phone. MMM. So I guess you have an iphone? I am just about to upgrade my phone and dithering what to get, I have a samsung at the moment. One of the major things for me is the camera as it saves carrying lots of bits around with you. The Samsung takes good photos but I can barely see what I am doing in daylight so 50% are a lottery. Is the iphone screen better? I am asking because you are a photographer not a snapper!! I have resolved that I will actually learn how to use my new phone whatever I get!!
    Happy WOYWW Cindy


  17. I didn’t even realize you could add different lenses to a phone! How clever! Your desk is a pleasure to see as well as the photos you took with the phone. Happy WOYWW! Glenda #41


  18. Love all that scrap paper, why can we never throw it away unless years have gone by?


  19. Wow, fascinating blog post – I love the photos you’ve taken, the macro lenses are brilliant. I also had a peep at your gelli prints and they are fab – I love the boxes/origami you are making. Have a great week,
    Diana #29


  20. Goodness – what an exceedingly clever man you have there!!! Love the fun effect with the fish eye lens, and the macro is good – like you, I’m slightly queasy after looking at the telephoto pic. Thanks for already visiting. I crochet the blankets together with a chain stitch – then after three chains, I loop through the square – if you see what I mean. I know it makes it all open, and with “holey” bits all over the blankets, but, for me, it works. I don’t like the close way some are done – that’s not for me. I prefer the lighter look. Jozart’s description of a shawlette was a little triangular knitted piece – you start with 5 stitches and just keep on and on increasing. It’s fun.
    Have a great week.


  21. I’m so jealous of your lenses. I want some!

    I had a nifty little tripod and phone holder for Christmas.The plan was to take some craft videos using it but it seems to have gone AWOL. 😦

    My favourite’s the macro. Hope you have a great time playing with them.

    Gillian #28


  22. I love how the wider angle shows an almost demarcation line on your desk between papers and scraps and clear space….that’s a good idea! The macro lenses are impressive aren’t they…and I’m with you on the giddy feeling off the telephoto lens, but nevertheless, for security applications,they’re pretty impressive I think!


  23. Love the gelli print cube! What fun photos. 🙂 It must be because it is almost 1:00 in the morning, but I couldn’t find where to comment for awhile!!1 LOL Happy WOYWW! #15


  24. Hi Maryanne, that’s a way cool set of lenses – I can image a lot of fun, but then it is a lot more stuff to carry around in my already weighty bag. And I checked out your photo cube…that’s really neat, love the colour and will be checking to see the completed green one…very nice. Happy WOYWW and have a great week RobynO#8


  25. wow very cool Maryanne have some of those features (fish eye etc) on my new 25x zoom camera yet to try them out… its mainly for everyday shooting anyway but maybe fun to do a beach shot with one of the magix as they are called. Happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #4


  26. nifty looking gadgets indeed, you got some fabulous shots! Helen, 2


  27. App design? How cool is that! I am new to the world of smart phones and OH so very enchanted!

    Create With Joy – #3


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