
Inspired by….


I love the internet. I wonder how I ever got along without it some days. The problem is that I often see something that I am so inspired by and want to have a go RIGHT THEN, and all too often I don’t have to stash I need to do it. Case in point – this weekend, I saw a post on Tim Holtz’ blog. It was a lovely tag that had the prettiest flowers made with stick-backed canvas (by Claudine Hellmuth) and Distress ink. There was a link to the project on the Ranger blog and a template.  OK, so I am awaiting a box of all the new Distress Ink colours, and have never had any sticky-backed canvas but I really REALLY wanted to make these flowers. My creative mind went in to overdrive as I cast my eyes around my scrap room looking for some reasonable alternative. I thought about Xyron’ing adhesive to the back of some canvas fabric but as I considered that process I thought how pretty they would look with fabric. Still, no sticky-backed fabric either, so still in the Xyron groove. Then I thought about a little video I saw a while back for making ribbon flowers and how she stuck the ribbon to the chipboard and that cemented the idea for me. I had a go and loved the result.

I made a quick little video of the process.

I am back on the Xyron-with-canvas fabric idea now, which may work out, and may not, but it’ll be fun playing with the idea in any case. Mine don’t really share much with Tim’s as they look nothing like roses, really, but of course they use his template.  They remind me more of the paper “lollypop” flowers.  So my flowers are a sort of “mash up” of  ideas, but I know I would not have arrived at them so quickly (it was about 3 hours from seeing the blog post to a final flower, and about 2 1/2 hours was Stickles drying time LOL!) without the inspiration from the internet.

It is funny how it happens – and lately it’s been happening A LOT – that you see something any your brain just shoots off along all these tangents until you come to a final lace where you think “YES! that could be cool,”  like some massive and bizarre creative flow chart.

What my poor programmer DH would think of that chart I do not know!

As it’s no school for the kids this week posts may be a bit thin on the ground.  I’m sure my two subscribers will survive …..

7 thoughts on “Inspired by….

  1. I loved the video, the flow chart AND the flowers! have agood week!


  2. Pingback: Scrapbooking & Paper Crafting Tutorials

  3. oh i love your flow chart of ideas…i used to do those alot because i’m dyslexic and it helped me remember things…so many memories just flooded back!

    your flowers are superb too…and of course i love tim’s…woo hooo…looks like flowers are here to stay, huh? ;0)


  4. *g* I love your chart and I love that sort of thinking. It was that sort of process that had me ending up with a rock solid ribbon sculpted brooch. Nothing like the tutorial that first sparked the idea but I loved the end result 😉


  5. Ha – that flow chart is utterly brilliant! I actually like your flowers better than the original roses.


  6. I don’t know if I can last the week without content like that flowchart! That has just made my day 😉


  7. Very pretty! I still say you got the “creative” gene that I wish I had!!!


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