
Bye Bye Zettiology – so sad


I was so sad to get an email that Zettiology was closing its stamp making business.  Teesha and Tracy Moore have been firm favourites of mine for years, although I only have a small handful of their stamps.  The shipping (and customs) fees to order from the States are HUGE, and there were only ever a few stamps offered in the UK. I kept putting off and putting off ordering any, thinking I would place a big order to coincide with either a trip BACK to the USA or a visit over to the UK of anyone willing to stuff a load of rubber in their packed shoes.  It never quite happened.  But the thought of not being able to get the stamps ever made me bite the bullet and place an order for a couple of grab bags from Teesha’s etsy store.

Now, grab bags are always a risk – you could get a tone of duplicates. You could get a ton of stamps you loathe and only a few you like and even fewer you LOVE.  Well, my order has arrived and I am doing the happy dance. I got a MASSIVE pile o’ rubber, and only ONE SINGLE DUPLICATE IMAGE.  Outstanding.

THIS is the pile of images I am 99% sure I am going to LOVE


This is the pile of images I will have to stamp to know if I like or LOVE them.


and this is the pile of images that I am pretty sure I will find a use for but I can already tell won’t be LOVES and may not be likes


Those are mostly text-based stamps, quotes, alone or with images.  Some look like they can by cut apart in various creative ways, but no matter how you look at it, that is a huge WIN.  I have already stamped a handful of the ones I KNOW I love (ok, the two small ones in the corners fit the sheet, but are def. LIKE not LOVE)


It looks like the grab bags may be gone, so I am glad I leapt rather than dithering.  But had I known when I ordered – really, like two minutes after I got the email – that she would offer last-minute, one time only orders of a few specific sets, I might have added them in {sigh} Oh well.

So I will be merrily stamping and assessing today.  I am far too lazy to mount each and every stamp, so I just stuck a piece of fun foam over a mid-sized block and applied some Tack it! to it – that lets me temporarily mount the stamps and makes the cutting a lot easier, as it’s just trimming the rubber.  I’m OK with needing to use a stamp positioner if I have to place them precisely, as more often than not I tend to cut stamped images out and then add them to a project.


5 thoughts on “Bye Bye Zettiology – so sad

  1. Ooh some fabulous stamps there. Sad they are closing, but as you say the duty makes USA imports sting!
    Looking forward to seeing what u make with them.


  2. Thanks for the visit to my blog. The dress form is indeed full size! You can see how I made her here:


  3. I too was going to order that bag of goodies ….only problem when I got home to order on my pc (couldn’t with my phone) they were all gone!! boo hoo. As mentioned earlier ….should any of those stamps need a new home – I am willing to give safe haven to them. thanks for sharing all your different ideas!


  4. It’s a shame we don’t all have more money to spend on crafty supplies! Those are fabulous stamps! What a great idea for unmounted rubber stamps. I put the tack it over and over on the back of the stamps and store them on plastic page protectors.


  5. Your idea of temporarily mounting the stamps is excellent. It is so much easier to store them also. Love Zettiology!


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