


This is a kind of odd one, in that it is way more an assemblage and way less “my” art! I had a collection of stuff that I had set aside for an ICAD. The gel print I got in a swap, no clue who at this point. The Fodder School text has allowed me something new to use, other than my own printable words. The interesting steampunk-y images I do know, come from Art House Whimsy. I got on her mailing list and download the occasional freebie.

After cutting out the one I wanted to use, and laying him on the background, I wasn’t sure.

It was all a bit dark. Three changes helped. First, I flipped the position of the card, so he was backed by lighter colours. I dusted the edges with some walnut brown ink and I also did something I rarely do with ICADS, I added foam tape to the back of the figure so he stood out a bit more.

I also rarely, if ever, use a quote from a pre-printed text download. I usually chop them up to create the phrase I want. I thought I had settled on I am getting there but then I saw Eyes on the prize.

Those big goggles on the boy just screamed out to be referenced so I swapped the text and…

ICAD 27 (another stamped-right-on-it one) done. That finishes the week and Monday will see 28, 29, and 30. That will mark just about the halfway point, and after 31 I will be on the downward slope. Whoo hoo!

3 thoughts on “ICAD 27

  1. Love these. thanks for sharing.


  2. Eyes??? My goodness I think he has them on


  3. Brilliant, love the 3d effect x, how are you?


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