
ICAD 26-More desk debris…


… and also another horizontal one. Three in a row. Crikey.

I used a scrap of a roll-off sheet from a gel print session that was a bit crinkled and ripped. I filled the gap with another scrap from my desk, the background from the words I used on the previous card.

Then I had this swirl, it was stamped them I filled in with watercolours. I just liked the look of it. And a little snippet of text also leapt out at me

Looking at them here, it might be that you think those don’t actually go together. Well, I dusted the edges of the card with a bit of Peacock Feather, which is one of the colours, or close enough, in the swirl.

More desk debris – the letter sticker sheet and the little pearl dots – also found a home

I think that helps tie it together a bit better. Do you agree?

Might be time to go back to portrait now. One more for this week and still a few more before I hit the halfway point.

2 thoughts on “ICAD 26-More desk debris…

  1. someone out here in cyberspace LOVES it!


  2. I do like the colors


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